is a social and educational organization (NPO) operating through an intersectional framework.
MTMS aims to clean
all 90.000 Stumbling Stones
spread from Finland to Spain through multicultural groups as to clean the hate.

Our Work
in action
Restoring a Memory. One Stone at a Time.
Started by Jewish students concerned with antisemitism in the Netherlands, and supported by various organizations, the MTMS organization believes that commemoration and social interactions can be combined in a dynamic and deeply meaningful way to combat all types of ignorance and hatred.
Since we consider ignorance to be the root of most hate and bigotry, education about the past whilst reflecting on the present and future with all types of people is essential for tolerant young societies in Europe.


Socialization & Tolerance
No one should be silenced in the creation of tolerant societies against hateful ignorance. By interacting and participating in MTMS activities, we combat ignorance and avoid antisemitism, homophobia, islamophobia etc.

With dwindling numbers of Holocaust survivors, pro-active and creative initiatives should be prioritised which involve all citizens. MTMS’s activities aim to teach people about the Holocaust. This is done through Stolpersteine cleaning groups, interactions with city dwellers and social media research pages. Moreover, every city had their own unique story during the Holocaust which should be documented and exposed.

We work through the philosophy that a person does not die when they stop breathing, but rather, when people forget their names and accomplishments. Since the Stolpersteine are often the only legacy of a victim of Nazi persecution, regardless of their background, it is our collective duty to maintain their stories and memories in various European cities.

Multi Cultural Clean-Ups
Combating ignorance and bringing education to the Streets. We organise clean-ups where all cultures bond and create links whilst cleaning all Stolpersteine in a specific city.

Educational & Commemorative Events
MTMS cooperates with organisations, local governments and schools to organise unique and fresh events throughout Europe about the Holocaust , its memory and its challenges for the new generations.

Researching & Highlighting Cities' Holocaust Story
Through #MTMS’s social media, we publish our findings as to highlight all aspects of the Holocaust in various cities and circumstances to avoid the simplifications of history. No stone left uncleaned and no stone left unturned.